A Match Made in Vegan Embroidery Heaven...

photo credit: Bevan Sauks

photo credit: Bevan Sauks

Jenna Boden of Patch & Sparrow Embroidery is teaming up with Stump Kitchen to offer one of a kind, handmade 'stumptastic' merch for Stump Kitchen fans and Embroidery fans alike! Like Alexis’ pursuit of cooking as a form of self care, Jenna is most at ease when she’s creating something beautiful with her hands. Jenna started crafting at a young age, and recently has dived back into crafts with a serious enthusiasm for the fibre arts, including crochet, knitting, cross stitch, and of course embroidery. Jenna was drawn to embroidery by the degree of detail required and the ability to express and represent herself in more nuanced ways. The repetition, the constant push and pull of the needle and thread through the fabric is soothing and therapeutic. For Alexis, getting stump-deep into her ingredients while cooking delicious vegan & gluten free meals is a healing and rejuvenating practise. Jenna revels in the tiny explosions of colour she can create in such a small space. Alexis finds joy in the tasty new flavour combinations she builds using plant based ingredients and spices. The possibilities are endless, with infinite designs, ingredients, techniques, flavours and colour palettes - each embroidery piece and Stump Kitchen episode is entirely unique. Jenna started Patch & Sparrow to share her embroidery with the world, to make her creations available to everyone. Collaborating with Stump Kitchen has allowed Jenna to explore embroidery in new and exciting ways, and to share her embroidery with folks who may not have experienced this art form before! This is definitely a match made in vegan embroidery heaven. Visit the Stump Kitchen online Store to check out the beautiful merch!

photo credit: Bevan Sauks

photo credit: Bevan Sauks


Stump Kitchen's first Kids Cooking Class!


I was on CTV news!!!